Saturday, November 14, 2009

Challenges of a New Country, New Plan

Coming to a new country with some intentions & plans, however the plan goes totally in a new direction and you find yourself lost in different ideas & plans! This happened to me!

Malaysia is a great country with many positive facts for me & my wife, though staying a little confused maybe difficult, specially within the first years of marriage. Thanks to life that we are doing great between ourselves, however we were lost in ideas for a long time.

Recently an idea of establishing a new magazine was suggested by a friend of mine & at this time we are working on it. It's almost more than two weeks that we are only doing market researches & market evaluation with different points of views and try to be as innovative as we can.

I can not reveal the idea behind this magazine at this time, since it's still not published and the idea is almost unique. (at least in Malaysia) We must go through a long path of publishing permit and bureaucratic procedures of Malaysia. I hope this one works.
I will let you know about the first issue of our magazine as soon as its out.